Investigation of an Unofficial Ring's API- Part 1


First thing is to evaluate the flow of the Ring API.

Get Credentials

“Hardware id” is the serial number of your Mac, it is necessary to include in the body however it doesn’t check for Authenticity

curl -X “POST” “” \ -H “Accept-Encoding: gzip” \ -H “Accept: /” \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -H “Host:” \ -H “User-Agent: Ring/0.67 (Mac OS X Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195))” \ -H “Accept-Language: en-US;q=1” \ -u [enter username]:[Enter password] \ -d $’{ “device”: { “metadata”: { “api_version”: “10”, “app_installation_date”: “2017-06-01 11:06:51 +0000”, “app_version”: “v0.67 (92)” }, “hardware_id”: “000000000000”, “os”: “osx”, “app_brand”: “ring” } }’

*Returns information about your account, including a field called “Authentication_token”, This is passed through to any following requests as a URL Parameter. This is the only info I have seen use for from this call for our purposes.

Calls for Devices

This then returns data about all your connected Ring Devices included the ID and name assigned to each device as well as the motion zones. I have included a sample of the data at the end of this…

curl “” \ -H “Accept: /” \ -H “Host:” \ -H “Accept-Encoding: gzip” \ -H “Accept-Language: en-US;q=1” \ -H “User-Agent: Ring/0.67 (Mac OS X Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195))”

This then returns data about all your connected Ring Devices included the ID and name assigned to each device as well as the motion zones. I have included a sample of the data at the end of this…

Polls Device History for last 30 events

curl “” \ -H “Accept: /” \ -H “Host:” \ -H “Accept-Encoding: gzip” \ -H “Accept-Language: en-US;q=1” \ -H “User-Agent: Ring/0.67 (Mac OS X Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195))”

Polls to see if anything is active

If this responds with anything other than [ ], it responds with the SIP info needed to make a connection

curl “” \ -H “Accept: /” \ -H “Host:” \ -H “Accept-Encoding: gzip” \ -H “Accept-Language: en-US;q=1” \ -H “X-Api-Lang: en” \ -H “User-Agent: Ring/0.67 (Mac OS X Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195))”

  • I have attached an example of what this data looks like

Terminates the SIP call

(I think). The random string of numbers(Ding ID) in the URL is the ID of the event that is provided when it polls active dings.

curl -X “POST” “” \ -H “Accept: /” \ -H “Host:” \ -H “Accept-Encoding: gzip” \ -H “Accept-Language: en-US;q=1” \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -H “User-Agent: Ring/0.67 (Mac OS X Version 10.12.4 (Build 16E195))” \ -d $’{ “api_version”: “10”, “auth_token”: “-8s1X_HCpSNkJpx” }’

Sample Data

Device Info:

{ “doorbots”: [ { “id”: 57950, “description”: “Backyard”, “device_id”: “001dc91cc5”, “time_zone”: “America/Phoenix”, “subscribed”: true, “subscribed_motions”: true, “battery_life”: “72”, “external_connection”: false, “firmware_version”: “1.8.86”, “kind”: “doorbell”, “latitude”: redacted, “longitude”: redacted, “address”: “redacted”, “settings”: { “enable_vod”: 1, “exposure_control”: 2, “motion_zones”: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], “motion_snooze_preset_profile”: “low”, “motion_snooze_presets”: [ “none”, “low”, “medium”, “high” ], “live_view_preset_profile”: “middle”, “live_view_presets”: [ “low”, “middle”, “high”, “highest” ], “pir_sensitivity_1”: 10, “vod_suspended”: 0, “doorbell_volume”: 8, “vod_status”: “enabled” }, “features”: { “motions_enabled”: true, “show_recordings”: true, “show_vod_settings”: true }, “owned”: true, “alerts”: { “connection”: “online” }, “motion_snooze”: { “scheduled”: true }, “owner”: { “id”: 18626, “first_name”: “redacted”, “last_name”: “redacted”, “email”: “[email protected]” } }, { “id”: 156746, “description”: “Front Door”, “device_id”: “6c0b84f91”, “time_zone”: “America/Phoenix”, “subscribed”: true, “subscribed_motions”: true, “battery_life”: 4144, “external_connection”: false, “firmware_version”: “1.4.30”, “kind”: “lpd_v1”, “latitude”: redacted, “longitude”: redacted, “address”: “redacted”, “settings”: { “enable_vod”: true, “motion_zones”: { “enable_audio”: false, “active_motion_filter”: 2, “sensitivity”: 5, “advanced_object_settings”: { “human_detection_confidence”: { “day”: 0.9, “night”: 0.9 }, “motion_zone_overlap”: { “day”: 0.4, “night”: 0.5 }, “object_time_overlap”: { “day”: 1.0, “night”: 2.0 }, “object_size_minimum”: { “day”: 0.06, “night”: 0.11 }, “object_size_maximum”: { “day”: 0.5, “night”: 0.5 } }, “zone1”: { “name”: “Zone 1”, “state”: 2, “vertex1”: { “x”: 0.411889339610563, “y”: 0.664893617021277 }, “vertex2”: { “x”: 0.470214341716062, “y”: 0.657801404912421 }, “vertex3”: { “x”: 0.516450648055832, “y”: 0.700354555819897 }, “vertex4”: { “x”: 0.784521420479771, “y”: 0.85106387036912 }, “vertex5”: { “x”: 0.805957128614157, “y”: 0.850177277909949 }, “vertex6”: { “x”: 0.786515453639082, “y”: 0.973936170212766 }, “vertex7”: { “x”: 0.504985014439105, “y”: 0.968617021276596 }, “vertex8”: { “x”: 0.385468594217348, “y”: 0.969503532571996 } }, “zone2”: { “name”: “Zone 2”, “state”: 2, “vertex1”: { “x”: 0.0190677966101695, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex2”: { “x”: 0.27018942409831, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex3”: { “x”: 0.298479568922627, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex4”: { “x”: 0.256106672353545, “y”: 0.549645403598217 }, “vertex5”: { “x”: 0.280034910527208, “y”: 0.942021276595745 }, “vertex6”: { “x”: 0.247756745023718, “y”: 0.981028382321621 }, “vertex7”: { “x”: 0.0250498504486541, “y”: 0.983687997371592 }, “vertex8”: { “x”: 0.0210618069497562, “y”: 0.502659615049971 } }, “zone3”: { “name”: “Zone 3”, “state”: 0, “vertex1”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex2”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex3”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex4”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex5”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex6”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex7”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 }, “vertex8”: { “x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0 } } }, “motion_snooze_preset_profile”: “low”, “live_view_preset_profile”: “highest”, “live_view_presets”: [ “low”, “middle”, “high”, “highest” ], “motion_snooze_presets”: [ “none”, “low”, “medium”, “high” ], “doorbell_volume”: 11, “chime_settings”: { “type”: 0, “enable”: true, “duration”: 10 }, “video_settings”: { “birton”: null, “brightness”: 16, “contrast”: 80, “saturation”: 48, “ae_level”: 32 }, “motion_announcement”: false, “stream_setting”: 0 }, “features”: { “motions_enabled”: true, “show_recordings”: true, “advanced_motion_enabled”: false, “people_only_enabled”: false, “shadow_correction_enabled”: false, “motion_message_enabled”: false }, “owned”: true, “alerts”: { “connection”: “online” }, “motion_snooze”: null, “owner”: { “id”: 18626, “first_name”: “redacted”, “last_name”: “redacted”, “email”: “[email protected]” } } ], “authorized_doorbots”: [], “chimes”: [ { “id”: 580476, “description”: “Hallway”, “device_id”: “d4f513eee”, “time_zone”: “America/Phoenix”, “firmware_version”: “1.2.3”, “kind”: “chime”, “latitude”: redacted, “longitude”: redacted, “address”: “redacted”, “settings”: { “volume”: 8, “ding_audio_user_id”: null, “ding_audio_id”: null, “motion_audio_user_id”: null, “motion_audio_id”: null }, “features”: { “ringtones_enabled”: true }, “owned”: true, “alerts”: { “connection”: “online” }, “do_not_disturb”: { “seconds_left”: 0 }, “owner”: { “id”: 18626, “first_name”: “redacted”, “last_name”: “redacted”, “email”: “[email protected]” } } ], “stickup_cams”: [ { “id”: 1741493, “description”: “Driveway”, “device_id”: “f45eab24d”, “time_zone”: “America/Phoenix”, “subscribed”: true, “subscribed_motions”: true, “battery_life”: “97”, “external_connection”: false, “firmware_version”: “cam-1.7.129”, “kind”: “stickup_cam_v3”, “latitude”: redacted, “longitude”: redacted, “address”: “redacted”, “settings”: { “enable_vod”: 1, “exposure_control”: 2, “motion_zones”: [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], “motion_snooze_preset_profile”: “medium”, “motion_snooze_presets”: [ “none”, “low”, “medium”, “high” ], “live_view_preset_profile”: “middle”, “live_view_presets”: [ “low”, “middle”, “high”, “highest” ], “pir_sensitivity_1”: 0, “vod_suspended”: 0, “doorbell_volume”: 8, “vod_status”: “enabled” }, “features”: { “motions_enabled”: true, “show_recordings”: true, “show_vod_settings”: true }, “owned”: true, “alerts”: { “connection”: “online” }, “motion_snooze”: null, “owner”: { “id”: 186267, “first_name”: “redacted”, “last_name”: “redacted”, “email”: “[email protected]” } } ] }

SIP Information

SIP_from seems to be static to the account

[ { “id”: 3594291776, “id_str”: “3594291776”, “state”: “ringing”, “protocol”: “sip”, “doorbot_id”: 156746, “doorbot_description”: “Front Door”, “device_kind”: “lpd_v1”, “motion”: true, “snapshot_url”: “”, “kind”: “motion”, “sip_server_ip”: “”, “sip_server_port”: “15063”, “sip_server_tls”: “false”, “sip_session_id”: “3b3p2i0-2043c1e2fi694m”, “sip_from”: “sip:[email protected]”, “sip_to”: “sip:[email protected]:15063;transport=tcp”, “audio_jitter_buffer_ms”: 0, “video_jitter_buffer_ms”: 0, “sip_endpoints”: null, “expires_in”: 163, “now”: 1496519967.54409, “optimization_level”: 1, “sip_token”: “a637e2a5a3212f6f06ebaf554f36ed7de4bf7c2573151a56c9f235”, “sip_ding_id”: “3594291776” } ]

Written on September 22, 2017